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artificial leveeの例文


  • The first artificial levees and canals were built in early colonial times.
  • Like artificial levees, they act to reduce the likelihood of floodplain inundation.
  • It is an artificial levee that divides the water into inner and outer streams.
  • Artificial levees block spring flood water that would bring fresh water and sediment to marshes.
  • Artificial levees have been built to keep out rising river and lake waters but have had the negative effect of keeping rainfall in.
  • Keeping floodwaters out of New Orleans motivated the region s most influential landscape manipulation : the erection of artificial levees on the crown of natural levees to prevent overbank flooding.
  • Ross Island is connected to Hardtack Island by an artificial levee built in 1926 by the U . S . Army Corps of Engineers in order to form a lagoon between the two islands.
  • One solution would have been to build a dam but Li Bing had also been charged with keeping the waterway open for military vessels to supply troops on the frontier, so instead he proposed to construct an artificial levee to redirect a portion of the river's flow and then to cut a channel through Mount Yulei to discharge the excess water upon the dry Chengdu Plain beyond.